Mikaela Honeywill Style & Beauty

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PERSONAL SHOPPING (3 hours minimum)

£225.00 GBP

Prior to the shopping day, I will work with you to gain an insight into your personal preference when it comes to fashion. This will include styles, colours & shapes, likes & dislikes and areas of concern. The Colour Analysis, Style & Body Shape Consultation is the ideal way to start your journey prior to a Wardrobe Edit & a Personal Shop. I will help you buy the right items which you will wear over & over again, pieces that makes you feel truly comfortable and amazing because they fit right according to your body shape and flatters you colour wise. I will help you develop your personal style, shop effectively and help you avoid making bad shopping choices in the future. Every shop is planned specifically for each client using an agreed priority shopping list and my knowledge of brands and locations. The shops will be appropriate for both your style and budget.

I also recommend Designer Dress Agencies as an option to keep fashion circular - quality pieces that are individual and will last forever for a fraction of the price they originally cost. My personal shopping trips are mostly held in London, Brighton & Tunbridge Wells.

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